
Needful Provision, Inc. (NPI) plans to honor the diversity and contributions of the world’s indigenous (tribal) populations, and their distinguished leaders, with our “Fire Keeper Awards.” Details of these awards will be announced at a future date. The brief History of Fire Keepers is given below. Evin Kenneth Richards, Jr. (from the Cherokee tribe of Native Americans) is the artist of NPI’s Fire Keeper drawing. NPI will make a number of jewelry items, based on the Fire Keeper image. These jewelry items will be given to donors providing funds to support NPI’s Fire Keeper Awards program for the benefit of indigenous populations, worldwide, having great need. As of 01 January 2005, NPI started taking nominations for living, distinguished leaders of any tribal group(s) in the world. Nominations may be made in any format. Our first two nominations are:1) Billy Mills, a Native American, a runner and holder of an Olympic Gold metal who has long been a great inspiration for Native American youth; and 2) General Vang Pao, the leader of Hmong tribal group of Laos who assisted U.S. forces during the Vietnam War. After this war ended, General Vang Pao helped the Hmong survive and escape attacking communist forces, and then to resettle in the U.S. For purposes of information, the NPI Fire Keeper Awards will take the form of assistance projects (in the name of any award winners) for the benefit a specific, needy indigenous (tribal) group(s).

The Fire Keeper
(Ajrla akteeya)