Medical Aid: those immediate first aid or medical practices which save a life threatened by accident or sickness. This is a vital part of emergency preparedness because so many disasters are hazardous to health. Extensive medical information is required to help deal with the many different health problems that could occur. Such information is readily available and need not be duplicated here. Write the American National Red Cross, at your local chapter, or Washington, D.C. 20006, and ask for a copy of Advanced First Aid and Emergency Care (ARC stock no. 321205). Also, obtain a copy of the MERCK Manual published by Merch Sharp and Dohme Research Laboratories, and available at medical college bookstores. The latter contains the symptoms and signs, diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of almost every disease and medical problem known to man. Since many illnesses have similiar symptoms, the layman should not attempt such diagnosis and treatment unless there is no other alternative. Do not panic and do not let your imagination run wild when using the MERCK manual. And keep in mind that most treatments will be limited in effectiveness without an emergency supply of any required drugs. The above referenced books and this handbook will be the minimum required for an adequate survival library. See the FIELD CARE Chart for first aid solutions in a survival situation.