Effective 01 Nov 2005, NPI will no longer solicit or accept donations by means of its website (here shown) for the following reasons:
a). New demands for accountability and reporting, for website donation solicitation, have become too time consuming and too costly.
b). Due to increasing numbers of disasters, “donor fatigue” has made website donation solicitation far less effective. In addition, many donors have lost confidence in charities. overall.
c). The vast majority of individual donations, to charities, now go to large well-known charities with a single popular cause. (As a small, multi-purpose charity, NPI has little appeal to these types of donors.)
d). Some reporting services, evaluating charities, are generally using funding and expenditure formulas, and “cookie-cutter” analysis, damaging to small charities like NPI. (By not soliciting donations, on its website, NPI seeks to avoid any misleading and/or damaging reviews.)
e). A few reporting agencies have demanded that NPI publish
information on all its staff and Directors. Since NPI is providing
technical homeland security services, to developing
nations with high levels of conflict, NPI has elected reduce
the exposure of its personnel to possible assassination attempts.
(From the experience of other charities, as well as NPI, operational
security begins by protecting the identity of personnel.)
f). By generally limiting donations to corporations, foundations, and government agencies, NPI can create advance, written contractual agreements providing secrecy, privacy, confidentiality, information security, written and other appeal rights, reporting standards, and all other rights requested by donors.
g). Donations from individuals may still be accepted from donor
groups, such as the “Network for Good,” that provide
each donor with all of the above protections. These donor groups
generally guarantee donor rights now demanded by most reporting
agencies evaluating charities.
N.B. Based on the requests of former donors, NPI’s photographs
(previously provided to donors, in various forms, as an expression
of appreciation) are still shown for historical purposes only.