Special Efforts


Needful Provision, Inc. Tel. 1-918-868-5710
P.O. Box 1595, Tahlequah, OK 74465 USA
07 March 2005

1200 12th Avenue South; Suite 1200 APPLICATION
Seattle, WA 98144
Re: Nonprofit Innovation Awards Application

Dear Sir or Madam:
This letter is to nominate Needful Provision, Inc. (NPI), a U.S. 501(c)(3) charity, for the subject award. NPI’s address and telephone number are as shown above, with the website address being shown below. Your point of contact is NPI’s President, David A. Nuttle at NPI’s address and telephone number (email: npiinc2000@aol.com).

Background: NPI was founded on 12 June 1995 for educational, scientific, and charitable purposes to benefit impoverished populations, worldwide, without discrimination of any type. During the first decade, NPI focused on the research, development, demonstration, and teaching of innovative self-help technologies designed to improve the well-being, health, and security of the poor. During this period of time, NPI made significant contributions in the areas of health, food security, self-help housing, alternative energy, homeland security, resource conservation, barter trade, distance education, carbon sequestration, and related areas. NPI started Divisions in Mexico, Kenya, and India, as well as working with the Russians on planning a biosecurity project, in Russia. Major self-help housing efforts are being started in Iraq and Indonesia. A Radio School is being planned for Iraq to teach self-help and redevelopment technologies, in insecure areas, using language and culturally appropriate radio broadcasts. NPI has established a 50-acre research & training center in NE Oklahoma, and current work is focused on helping Native Americans and Hmong political refugees (relocated to NE Oklahoma & NW Arkansas) with community food security and microenterprise development projects. Last but not least, NPI created a unique Citizens Corps model in support of U.S. homeland security.

During the next 12 months, NPI will give priority to accomplishing three primary goals. To wit:
1) To perfect the series of models already started by NPI; e.g. Food security &
homeland security in the U.S.; AIDS prevention in Kenya; Rural & tribal development in India; Environmental protection and microenterprise starts in Mexico; Tsunami-relief and self-help housing in Indonesia; Biosecurity in Russia; Radio Schools in Iraq; Carbon sequestration in the U.S. and other areas; Social enterprise development to generate funds for NPI; and Barter trade to help the poor acquire what they need.
2) To create an integrated model, using the best of all the above assistance efforts,
for purposes of creating the most effective assistance options to meet the needs of the poorest of the poor, worldwide.
3) To expand fundraising capabilities in order to fully fund the work required to
meet the above goals.
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In the past, NPI has received funding from individuals, corporations, foundations, and government agencies ---as well as having its own royalty income from patents owned and licensed. Over $1 million has been received from this stated royalty income from several patents donated by NPI’s founder, David A. Nuttle. Based upon scientific peer review of unique self-help technologies, being developed by NPI, government grants were received from the U.S. Dept. of Energy (USDOE), U.S. Dept. of Agriculture (USDA), National Science Foundation, the N.C. Biotechnology Center, and others. The largest corporate donor has been NextPath Technologies, Inc. NPI’s most significant partners include the
Research Triangle Institute (RTI), in North Carolina ------ and the St. Petersburg State Technological University for Plant Polymers (TUPP), in Russia. In addition, NPI has a working relationship with Preparedness Systems Intl., Inc. (PSI), an “S Corporation” that has licensed several of NPI’s patents owned.

Targeted Cause: NPI primarily seeks to assist over 1 (one) billion rural and tribal poor generally living in social, economic, and political isolation from the nations in which they reside. The needs of these populations have become urgent due to the fact that governments responsible for these peoples are often unconcerned if these groups live or die. Assistance seldom reaches these populations since “aid” is usually diverted by corrupt local politicians ---and because “aid” is often focused on governments. Thus, there is a major gap between these populations and any effective means of help. The problem has become urgent because several terrorist and narcoterrorist groups are targeting many of these impoverished groups ---and they are being forced to support these groups. If the U.S. is serious about winning the War on Terrorism, these poor populations cannot be ignored to the extent they are now being ignored. In brief, NPI’s cause is humanitarian as well as being oriented toward improving U.S. national security.

Innovation: NPI’s approach is based on the development, application, and integration of 63 self-help innovations created by NPI’s founder (David A. Nuttle) during his four decades of work in 42 Third World nations. In the first decade of work, NPI has perfected the technology and started “pilot” projects to test each of the technologies. In the next decade, NPI will integrate these self-help technologies and deliver these to the impoverished rural and tribal populations described above. Most charitable organizations have focused on a single cause; e.g. Red Cross for relief, Doctors Without Borders for medical aid, Habitat for Humanity for housing; Feed the Children for food aid, and so on. NPI’s inventiveness is based on the creation and delivery of a “package” solution.
In addition, most charities primarily depend on public donations to fund their charitable efforts. NPI has given priority to developing social enterprises in an effort to provide most of its own funding.

Results: NPI has recorded the results of its first years of work in a document entitled “First Decade Self- Evaluation” shown on NPI’s website (www.needfulprovision.org).
Insofar as possible, third party evaluations (of various projects) are used to help measure progress. Most of NPI’s efforts undergo scientific peer review, and final reports are used

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to document results and lessons learned. In the last two years, NPI has started Divisions in Mexico, Kenya, and India ---and expanded its U.S. research center--- to facilitate the testing of self-help technologies developed. Housing projects were planned for Iraq and Indonesia. A Radio School was planned for Iraq, and distance education was improved by providing instructional materials on NPI’s website. Community food security projects were planned for two Native American tribes and Hmong political refugees. Efforts were
undertaken to certify NPI’s new carbon sequestration crop to help reduce harmful levels of CO2 while also providing a new source of income for small farmers, worldwide. In addition to the above, NPI has worked to plan a biosecurity project (in Russia), and fully
developed a Citizen Corps model in support of U.S. homeland security. NPI has also completed preliminary work on a safety and survival guide for volunteers working in very hostile areas such as Iraq and Afghanistan. (This guide will be made available for
all volunteers via NPI’s website.

Continued Innovation: NPI’s future innovation, for target populations will focus on Radio Schools development to teach appropriate self-help technologies at the local level
using culturally focused radio broadcasts in the languages needed. Indigenous radio school organizers will be trained to form radio classes at the local level. These organizers will be provided with radios powered by hand-crank generators. Modern communication
means will be used to facilitate barter trade among target populations. NPI will continue to develop social enterprises to manufacture the self-help items needed by the populations concerned. Other social enterprises will be developed to help convert trade items into cash or to facilitate two-way trades so that both trading partners receive goods or services wanted. All of this effort is designed to support integrated assistance, assistance that acts to employ all of NPI’s self-help technologies, so that the target populations dramatically increase their well-being and security. What NPI seeks is nothing less than an innovative means to effectively assist the poorest of the poor. NPI has carefully planned for this type of sustained innovation, starting in a few areas and then spreading globally to many where the needs are most critical. (“The journey of 10,000 miles begins with the first step,” a Chinese proverb.)

Evaluation Criteria: The primary need targeted by NPI, assistance for the poorest of the rural and tribal poor, has been fully recognized as an urgent problem by the United Nations, World Bank, the U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security, and others. Available data indicates that over 800 million of the target populations have been living, and are living, on the brink of starvation. Most development experts agree that governmental incapacity, indifference, and general corruption have prevented “aid” from reaching the isolated rural and tribal populations in most areas. In those few cases where “aid” was delivered, the
policies of benevolent welfare prevailed --- and the groups concerned were damaged by
creation of a welfare mentality preventing self-help. In brief, there is a critical need to find new and effective ways to help the poorest of the poor help themselves.

NPI’s solutions, to the problems described herein, breaks from traditional approaches based upon attempted delivery of relief to target populations. In basic terms, NPI
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provides innovative self-help technologies, teaches the use of those technologies by the most effective means, and provides a way for impoverished populations to acquire those items needed for them to improve their own well-being and security. NPI has created a new, effective way to deliver assistance to populations traditionally ignored. During the first decade (1995 –2005), NPI has used scientific peer review and third party evaluation to measure and record NPI’s improvements for the delivery of “aid” to target populations.
That process of review and evaluation will be sustained by NPI as it seeks to further improve and expand programs to assist target populations. NPI’s plan for continued innovation is based on the necessity to find more effective ways to assist the poor, and
“necessity is the mother-of-invention.” In the final analysis, NPI’s plan for continued innovation is well-developed ---and based on extensive research by NPI’s staff, as well as testing by means of “pilot” projects in target areas.

Attachments: As requested by Amazon.com, the following attachments are included herewith:
1) A copy of NPI’s 501(c)(3) determination letter, from IRS.
2) The names, addresses, and affiliations of NPI’s Directors.
3) Resumes for the primary leadership team, David A. Nuttle, Charles A. Gourd,
Ph.D., and Karen M. Lees.
4) Copies of NPI’s operating budgets for 2004 and 2005.
5) A copy of a financial statement from an internal audit (a current external audit is
not available).
6) A copy of NPI’s most recent IRS Form 990.
7) A copy of NPI’s current balance sheet (included as part of item 5 above).
8) A copy of NPI’s 2004 Report & “First Decade Self-Evaluation” (1995-2005).
9) A copy of NPI’s Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws.
10) A signed copy of Amazon.com’s Terms & Conditions.

Comments on the Competition: NPI recently participated in competitions similar to the Amazon.com contest in which voter or customer contributions determine the actual winner or winners. The charities receiving the highest votes (in the form of donations) were those with a very popular single cause. Voters (donors) did not take the time to study or evaluate what the multi-purpose charities were offering or accomplishing. In another competition, only a summary statement and photograph were presented. The winners were the charities with a combination of an emotional summary and smiling faces shown in their photograph presented. The flaw in the Amazon.com competition is that large charities, with extensive donation lists, can ask their donors to help “buy” the award by making contributions. NPI’s enters the competition in the hope that these flaws may be overcome.

Your careful consideration of NPI’s application will be appreciated. Thank you.

David A. Nuttle, President
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Supplemental Information:

Why Radio Schools & Barter Trade? Hostility --in areas like Iraq, Afghanistan, and Sudan-- has forced many charities to withdraw their volunteers and cease assistance efforts. CARE and Doctors without Borders are examples of charities that have recently withdrawn from such areas. Even if relief supplies were available, it has now become extremely hazardous to try to deliver those supplies where they are needed (trucks and helicopters are being attacked). Thus, populations most urgently in need of assistance are not receiving most of that assistance.

During the Asian tsunami-relief efforts, from 26 December 2004 to 01 March 2005, volunteers from Oxfam and several other charities, documented the fact that less than 20 percent of relief supplies actually reached tsunami victims. The other 80 percent was used for fundraising, administration, indirect costs, staff salaries, and transportation, as well as being lost due to local corruption or lawlessness. Local gangs quickly organized to intercept many of the “aid” shipments. Even more tragic, many charities delivered “aid” to local politicians or government officials --and the supplies were often diverted for use by non-victims. Many of the charities concerned used volunteers lacking the language, cultural, and relief skills needed to make the assistance efforts effective. Overall, this relief effort lacked any real direction and coordination.

A Radio School may be used to overcome all the above problems, and many other problems typical of impoverished rural or tribal areas. Radio broadcasts of self-help information are easily delivered, from a safe area, by skilled technicians, translators, and programmers having appropriate languages and cultural background for any target audience. Indigenous (local) volunteers are trained to organize local Radio School classes, by subject, based on local needs. These local volunteers are provided with radios, powered by hand-crank generators, to receive radio broadcasts. Relief efforts are then based on teaching self-help technologies. Some relief supplies may still be needed, but these items will be minimal and the Radio School volunteers can help arrange for secure
delivery. (NPI is working on the development of a satellite-type of unique, two-way text messaging pager ---with foreign language options--- to facilitate communications with the Radio School volunteers.)

Radio Schools, and local Radio School organizers, may be used to facilitate barter trade to assist isolated rural and tribal populations acquire essential items needed in exchange for items they have in surplus. As unusual at it may seem, even the poorest of the poor generally have something they can trade if they find the right trading partner(s).
A combination of Radio Schools and barter trade greatly facilitates the self-help process by teaching technical skills and providing critical items needed. These techniques will greatly reduce the numbers of volunteers that may needed, for direct work at the local level. By reducing the numbers of volunteers needed in hazardous areas, only those with the language, cultural, and security/ basic survival skills should undertake assistance for indigenous populations.