Common Names: Biscuitroot, Cowas, Kouse, Bread of Cows, Indian biscuit.
Scientific Name: Cymopterus bulbosus
When to Find: Summer, fall.
Where to Find: Hillsides, rocky, and arid places.
Parts Used: Roots
Warning: This family of plants includes poison hemlock and other deadly species. Beware of purple splotches on the stems - it could be hemlock.
Preparation: Boil or roast root in stew. Peel, sun dry, and grind to make flour cakes. To make an insecticide, boil old roots until you have a thick liquid
Storage: Place flour or liquid in a waterproof container. 
Identification: Yellow, white, or purple flowers. Flowers borne as compound umbels. Leaves divided and narrow similar to carrots.